5 steps to create a promotion in your box or gym.

May 17, 2023 | Gym marketing

Promotions have a very clear objective: to attract people and turn them into customers of your box. In an increasingly competitive market, it’s important for your gym to stand out and effectively promote your services. In this article, we present the five key steps to creating a successful promotion for your gym or box.

Step 1: Determine the audience and objective of your gym or box promotion.

Before embarking on the adventure of promoting your gym or box, you need to know who you want to impact and what objective you want to achieve. Without this, your promotion campaign is likely to be unsuccessful, which is why it’s the first step of all.

There are many types of promotions, but each has a different development, and above all, a different audience. Therefore, the first thing you should ask yourself is what objective you have in mind when carrying out that promotion. Do you want to attract new clients? Do you want to encourage your current clients to recommend you to their family and friends? Do you want to promote a new service or class? Your objective should be specific and measurable so that you can evaluate the success of your promotion.

Once you have the objective, you should think about the audience for that promotion. To do this, you should consider those people who may be interested in the services offered in your gym or box, and who may be interested in the promotion. Identifying your ideal audience will help you create a message that resonates, connects and achieves the results you’re looking for.


Step 2: Determine the channel you will use for promoting your box or gym.


The choice of promotion channel is crucial to achieve success in promoting your gym or box. Not all channels are suitable for all promotions, as depending on where the target audience is and the type of promotion, one channel may be more effective than another.

When choosing the promotion channel for your gym, you should consider the following factors:

  • Target audience: It’s important to know your target audience well to choose the appropriate promotion channel for your box or gym. If your target audience is older people, for example, social media ads may not be as effective as ads in local newspapers. If your target audience is young people, social media may be an excellent option.
  • Type of promotion: The type of promotion you plan to do can also influence the choice of promotion channel. For example, if you plan to offer special discounts to your current customers, email may be the best option to reach them directly. If you want to attract new customers, online or street advertising may be more effective.
  • Budget: Budget is also an important factor to consider. Some channels, such as online advertising, can be expensive, while others, such as promotions among members, are more economical.

In summary, when choosing the appropriate promotion channel for your box or gym, make sure to know your target audience well, the type of promotion you plan to do, your budget, and the ability to measure the results. This way, you can maximize the success of your promotion and attract new customers to your gym.

Step 3: Choose the message to use in your promotion.


Once you have determined the channel you will use to promote your gym, it’s important to choose the right message. The message should be clear, concise, and persuasive, and should highlight the benefits of your gym and the promotion you’re offering.

It’s important to keep in mind that the message used in the promotion should focus on the needs and desires of the target audience. Therefore, before creating the message, it’s important to review the research we have done on the target audience we want to reach.

Some aspects to consider when defining the message are:

  • Know your target audience: Review the demographic characteristics of the audience you will be targeting, such as age, gender, geographic location, socioeconomic level, among other relevant aspects. It’s not the same message that you should use for a promotion focused on older people, than for young people, or for women versus men.
  • Highlight the benefits that most interest your audience: Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, highlight the benefits that interest them most, according to their needs and desires. For example, if your target audience is interested in improving their skills in your discipline, you should highlight the benefits your gym offers in this area, such as specific trainers or activities.
  • Be specific: When defining the message, it’s important to be specific about the promotion being offered, including details such as the percentage discount if there is one, the duration of the promotion, or any other relevant information.
  • Use attractive and persuasive language: The message should be written in a clear and persuasive language, using attractive and emotional language that invites potential customers to take action.

In summary, when choosing the right message for your promotion, it’s important to consider the demographic characteristics and the needs of the target audience, highlight the benefits that interest them most, be specific about the promotion being offered, and use attractive and persuasive language that invites action. This way, you can create a message that attracts your target audience and increases the chances of success for promoting your gym or box.

Step 4: Create the user flow for those who arrive through the promotion of your gym or box.


Once you have defined the channel and message to promote your gym, it’s important to think about the user flow for those who arrive through the promotion. An adequate user flow can make the difference between a successful promotion and one that is not.

To create the user flow, you should consider the following aspects:

  • Create a landing page: A landing page is a web page designed specifically for the promotion at hand. It should include information about the promotion, the benefits of your gym, and a registration form. This form should include key questions that allow you to better understand the needs and desires of the user who registers.
  • Offer a clear call to action. The page should have a clear and concise call to action that invites the user to register for the promotion. This call to action should be visible and prominent so that the user doesn’t have to search for it.
  • Offer an exclusive deal: It’s important that the promotion offers something exclusive that motivates the user to register. It could be a special discount, a free class, or any other offer that is attractive to the user.
  • Design an email campaign: Once the user has registered for the promotion, it’s important to stay in touch with them. To do this, you should design an email campaign that keeps the user interested and motivated in the promotion. In this campaign, you can include information about the benefits of your gym, training tips, and any other relevant information that may be of interest to the user.
  • Follow up with registered users: It’s important to follow up with the users who registered for the promotion, to understand their experience and opinions about your gym. This way, you can improve your services and understand the needs of your target audience.

By creating an adequate user flow for those who arrive through the promotion, you can increase the chances of its success, as you will be offering a satisfying and personalized experience.

Step 5: Analyze the results of your promotion

Once you’ve launched your promotion and users have started registering, it’s important to analyze the results to see if it was effective or not. To do this, you should measure the following aspects:

  • Number of registrations: This is the first indicator of success for your promotion. You should review how many users registered for the promotion, comparing this number with your previous objectives and expectations.
  • Conversion rate: Once you know how many users registered, you should analyze how many of them ultimately became customers of your gym. This conversion rate will give you an idea of the effectiveness of your promotion.
  • Cost of customer acquisition: To know the effectiveness of your promotion, you must know how much it cost you to acquire a new customer. To do this, you should add up all the expenses of the promotion (advertising, discounts, etc.) and divide them by the number of new customers you have obtained.
  • Customer feedback: It is important to know the opinion of the customers who registered for the promotion of your box or gym, as this will allow you to know their needs and expectations and improve your services accordingly.
  • Data analysis: Finally, you should perform a detailed analysis of all the collected data, to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement in your promotion. For this, we recommend downloading our ebook “KPIs of a box” where you will learn about the most important KPIs for your box.

By analyzing the results of the promotion of your box or gym, you can identify the aspects that worked well and those that need improvement, which will allow you to adjust your strategy and obtain better results in future promotions.

In conclusion, creating a successful promotion for your gym or box requires planning and strategy. The first step is to define the objective and target audience of the promotion, which will allow you to identify the appropriate channel and message. The choice of channel should be based on the target audience, type of promotion, and budget, and the message should focus on the needs and desires of your audience. By following these five key steps, you can create an effective promotion for your gym or box that will attract new clients and stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

To ensure that your box or gym stands out and attracts new customers, it is not only important to create a successful promotion, but also to have a well-defined marketing plan. That’s why, in addition to this article on the five key steps to creating an effective promotion, we offer you an exclusive lead magnet: the Box Marketing Plan. This resource will help you create a solid and personalized marketing strategy for your gym or box, in order to maximize your reach and attract new customers. Download it now and take the next step to grow your business.

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